RealWear UK & European Distributor

RealWear UK & European Distributor


RealWear offers a comprehensive range of hands-free industrial smart glasses purpose-built to enhance productivity, safety, and efficiency across multiple industries. From the Navigator 500 Series to their latest intrinsically safe Z1 device, can help you to select the right solution to empower frontline workers with wearable technology.

Browse RealWear Solutions

More about RealWear

RealWear offer multiple hardware options including the RealWear Navigator 520 with a sharp, larger display, the intrinsically safe Navigator Z1 certified for ATEX Zone 1 environments, and the Navigator 500 aimed at empowering the workforce. This is complemented by a range of accessories such as their Thermal Camera Module, and over 200+ application partners – enabling organisations to select a solution that suits their exact requirements.

As a leading RealWear UK and European distributor, represents RealWear’s broad solutions portfolio, complemented with our own partner support and services . Designed to be flexible and dedicated to channel, our service catalogue includes options through from RealWear product, install and manage, to maintenance, resource and disposal. We work as a true extension of your team to make your RealWear deployments successful.

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Featured Products

RealWear Partner Resources

RealWear Partner Sales Guide

Download a copy of our new RealWear Partner Sales Guide, providing you with a “cheat sheet” for what you need to know. It covers everything from introducing you to aR to what questions to ask your customers.

RealWear Partner Tech Guide

Download a copy of our new RealWear Partner Technical Guide, providing you with a “cheat sheet” for everything you need to know. It covers everything from introducing your customer’s technical ambitions, to understanding technical requirements by industry.

Introducing RealWear Cloud

Providing a multi-propose software for IT and business operations, RealWear Cloud provides a new dashboard enabling remote teams to securely control RealWear devices. Check out our explainer article.

Partner Services & Support

Browse our partner toolkit to see what support and services could help accelerate your RealWear opportunities. Choose what you need, leave what you don’t. We work as a true extension of your team.

Not all connections are created equal

To create a quality connection, think like an architect, not a builder. To understand not just the connections, but the reason they exist.

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