Svitzer: Mission-Critical Connectivity

Svitzer: Mission-Critical Connectivity

Part of the Maersk Group, Svitzer has been providing safety and support services at sea since 1833. With 4000 employees, a fleet of 430 vessels and operations all over the world, Svitzer is recognised as the global market leader within towage and emergency response.

Watch the video to find out how helped to deliver mission-critical connectivity for Svitzer’s global fleet, or download your full copy now.

To standardise communication across Svitzer’s global tug fleet with robust and reliable high speed connectivity, managing a fleet of 430 vessels that are distributed globally and exposed to extreme weather conditions and challenging operations.

A ruggedised Ericsson Cradlepoint COR router combined with NetCloud Manager and Zscaler Internet Security; a robust, cloud-managed solution capable of supporting a global fleet and delivering mission-critical, secure connectivity in extreme and remote environments.

  • Improved, streamlined communications across the Svitzer global fleet
  • Fleet up-time and productivity has been boosted
  • Significant improvement in the performance of Svitzer’s on-board applications
  • Simplified troubleshooting means downtime is minimised for on-board users
  • Dramatic decrease in the load on IT support resources
  • Secure, standardised and reliable on-board ICT allowing effective and safe operations

“ supported us throughout the project. From helping us to understand the overall solution to providing technical assistance, they made sure we were fully supported. To have rolled-out this global solution in just over 12 months has been a humongous task.

Today we are better synchronised as an organisation, with vastly improved connectivity and better communications with our vessels. Having Ericsson’s solution has definitely proved a business enabler.”

– Khurram Inam, Svitzer’s Regional IT Manager for Europe.

Download the Full Case Study

Find out how and our partners provided Svitzer with mission-critical connectivity across their entire global tugboat fleet.